Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned - 1223 Words

Knowing wrong from right seems to be a harder and harder concept for people to grasp. As the American culture wanders farther and farther from a Christian Worldview, so it seems America loses its grip on morals and ethics. In this paper, there will be an exploration of ethics in regards to performance enhancing drug use in athletes. Performance enhancing drugs should continue to be banned due to health risk factors, the element of cheating and abuse of the athlete s body. Paul is a dedicated young athlete. He works hard on the field and hard in the weight room training his body to peak conditioning for his sport. As a result of his hard work, Paul has secured a spot in the starting lineup. As his team develops and grows, Paul sees his team mates taking a performance enhancing drug and seeing phenomenal results. Paul believes that the coaches are aware, but turning a blind eye due to the success that the team has been having and that the drug is not technically illegal. Pau l has recently been told by the coach that he is in danger of losing his starting spot because other athletes are outperforming him. Paul has been approached by his teammates with the opportunity to use the performance enhancing drug to catch up. Paul is torn. Should he give in and take the performance enhancing drug since it s not illegal? In that way he can catch up to his teammates performance and stay on the starting squad and get the accolades that go with it, but that requires theShow MoreRelatedPerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned1645 Words   |  7 Pagesrules by using performance enhancing drugs each year. Performance enhancing drugs help athletes to becomes bigger, faster, and overall better at their individual sport. This process is called doping. Doping can be defined as using drugs and various substances to better perform at a particular task. Furthermore, these athletes act in the moment and fail to see all aspects of these performance enhancing drugs. Contr adictorily, some individuals argue that performance enhancing drugs should in fact be allowedRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned1259 Words   |  6 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs are substances that if taken allow humans to excel at different activities such as sport. I strongly feel that there should be a strict law that states if any competitive athlete is caught using drugs they should face a lifetime ban for a first offence. Firstly drugs are illegal! Secondly, they are also banned in sports however that doesn’t stop people from misusing them. Thirdly they can damage your body and be extremely addictive. Currently, in most countries, the lawRead MoreUse Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned1961 Words   |  8 PagesThe controversial question is whether the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED) in sports should be banned or not. Professional sports are popular in most countries. Major franchises are dealing with the issue of PED being us ed by the athletes who are paid to perform in the sport on the belief that they are naturally a raw talent. This controversial essay will side with the banning of PED use in any type of sport activity, whether it is at professional or amateur level. Both sides of this issueRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned For Athletes600 Words   |  3 Pages Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned For Athletes The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs(PED) has a major impact on athletes negatively and cause many problems in sports and competitions. These PEDs should be banned for athletes and competitors on any level because they are, unhealthy and harmful to the body, give users an edge over competitors, and it diminishes the true sportsmanship of the game itself. The illegal use of Performance Enhancing Drugs lead to many unhealthy and potentionalyRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned in Professional Sports2737 Words   |  11 Pagesfifty game suspensions without pay for using performance enhancing drugs. Big names such as Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez were on this list. Testosterone, an illegal substance, is what is found in the performance enhancing drugs. Testosterone increases male characteristics such as body hair, aggression, deepening of the voice, and of course massive muscle growth (â€Å"Steroids† par. 1). Some professional athletes claim to use performance enhancing drugs to recover more quickly from injury; others takeRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use in Sports Summary1493 Words   |  6 Pagesfierce among athletes. Winning at all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goa ls and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost? Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports because their use results in many harmful side effects; because theirRead MoreSteroid Use in Sports1732 Words   |  7 PagesAround an astonishing ten to fifteen percent of professional athletes use illegal steroids which are also known as performance enhancing drugs. These substances which are banned in professional sports aren’t just any type of steroid or drug. They are called anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs, and they are synthetically produced substances of male testosterone hormones. The use of these illegal steroids has garnered a lot of publicity within the world of sports over the past few yearsRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Not Be Legalized1129 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs should not be legalized ‘Olympic track star Marion Jones was sentenced in a federal court to six months in prison.’ (Kelly and Rao, 2008) The reason why Jones was guilty is because of the use of performance enhancing drugs since 1999. More and more famous athletes prove to have used banned drugs to enhance their performance. At the same time, the role that the anti-doping agency is more and more important in the world wide games, such as Olympic Game, Tour de FranceRead MoreAnabolic Steroids : Use And Performance Enhancing Drugs1516 Words   |  7 Pagesuse of performance enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids has been a debatable topic in the United States as early as the 1950’s. Former U. S. Representative Howard Berman expresses that â€Å"Steroids can seem necessary to compete at the highest level, and the quick rewards may seem to outweigh the long term consequences to users.† The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that countless athletes, both young and old, fa ce life threatening illnesses due to the use of performance-enhancing drugsRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs791 Words   |  3 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs Using performance-enhancing drugs such as doping. Most of the athletes take PED’s so they can win a golden medal for their country. And they want fame. No any athlete shouldn’t take PED because no one knows the risks. The penalty for using performance enhancing drugs should be stricter because it can cause health risks, it’s cheating, an it’s legally, and world class athletes use it and still get away with it. The government should banned drugs so no any athlete shouldn’t

Monday, December 16, 2019

African-American History Since 1877 Free Essays

Film Analysis Gregory Hamlin HIST 222. African-American History Since 1877 Professor Alli Chambers American Military University October 14, 2012 Documentary Film Analysis Worksheet History 222 – African American History Since 1877 Instructions: †¢ You will find the list of films you can choose from in the assignment section of the course. †¢ Go to the list and pick your film. We will write a custom essay sample on African-American History Since 1877 or any similar topic only for you Order Now You must view the entire film. If you can’t access films because of deployment, geographic location, or other reasons, please let your instructor know so they can give you an alternate assignment. Please type you answers into this sheet. You must submit the worksheet two ways: 1) upload the worksheet as a Word document 2) cut and paste your answers into the student response box for the assignment. †¢ You must answer in complete sentences, using a short answer/paragraph format. 1. What is the title of the film you picked? The title of the film I picked was â€Å"A Class Divided†. 2. Why did you pick this film over the others offered? The reason I picked this film was because of the message it offered. The message was brought about at a time where most people who agreed with the message were a minority. This message changed the individual’s lives that were part of the documentary. 3. What is/are the central message(s) of this documentary/fictional film? Be specific. Use examples from the film to support your choice. The central message of this documentary was to never discriminate. â€Å"Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit† (Discrimination). Discrimination can come in a variety of ways, such as racial or sexual discrimination. The discrimination that was most talked about in this film was racial discrimination. In 1968 a teacher by the name of Jane Elliot asked her students what they thought of other racial groups such as African Americans and Native Americans. They stated that they were dumb and explained the different obscenities that were thrown at them. In response, the teacher from the film set up a scenario where she divided her class into two groups according to eye color. There was a brown eye color group and a blue eye color group. She told the class that the blue eye color group was more superior to the brown eye color group. The brown eye color group was not as smart, they could not use the water fountain, and the blue eye color group had extra time for recess. This caused the brown eye color group to be unfocused, unhappy, and humiliated. The next day the teacher switched the groups around so that the blue eye color group was the more superior. This caused the blue eye color group to feel the same as the blue eye color group the previous day. At the end of this scenario she asked both groups how it felt when they were the less superior group. They stated that they did not like it and they hated being separated from their peers. Then she asked them should they treat people with a different color differently and they stated no. Then she asked should they treat people of a different skin color different, they gave the same response (Peters). This taught the children not to discriminate against anyone and they learned not to discriminate by playing those scenarios. This message was incredibly strong. 4. Consider the effectiveness of the film for this history class. What are its strengths and weaknesses of this film in documenting history? The effectiveness of this film is very strong because of the fact it shows that we all deserve to be treated equally. This is important to this history class because in the lessons we learn during this class deal with Civil or Equal rights of all Americans. The film was a documentary about the lessons a classroom of children and adults learned from a teacher about discrimination. No one should be discriminated against. The only weakness I saw in this film was that the studies that were done transpired in a prominently white community where they do not deal with other minorities on a day to day basis. Due to this fact, the study is not as realistic as it could have been if it were to transpire in a community where there is more diversity. 5. How do you think the filmmakers want the audience to respond? Is there a social justice message? If so, what is it? I think the filmmakers wanted the audience to respond to this film positively. The documentary had to be a breath of fresh air during the time frame it was produced. It was created during a time were discrimination and prejudice was very common among whites and minorities. The social justice message is to treat everyone equally and do not discriminate based on the color of one’s skin. 6. Did the documentary leave you with any unanswered questions? If so, what were they? An unanswered question I had about this documentary was whether or not the teacher experienced seeing minorities treated a certain way that made her want to teach others to never discriminate against one another? Did her parents raise her to treat everyone equally or is this something she wanted to do on her own? 7. How did this film change any misconceptions or stereotypes you had about the subject matter? If so, what were they? This film did not change any misconceptions or stereotypes I had about the subject of discrimination. I was raised in the south where I have faced discrimination from white people. I have also become friends with white people who do not discriminate at all and were raised with the same values instilled in them as some of the individuals from this film. 8. What is the most important thing you learned from watching the film? The most important thing I learned from this film is that there are people out there who genuinely care for others and how they feel. This teacher from Idaho did not have to teach those children that discrimination was incorrect. She just genuinely cared for these children to grow with good moral values. 9. Why is this film important to understanding contemporary African American History? This film is important to understanding contemporary African American History because discrimination was huge issue during the Civil Rights Movement. It took men like Martin Luther King to stand up for minorities and speak out against discrimination and other various issues. As a result the Civil Rights Act of 1964 came about that put an end to lawful discrimination. Bibliography Discrimination. Dictionary. com.  © Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/discrimination (accessed: October 14, 2012). Peters, William. â€Å"A Class Divided. † Recorded March 26 1985. Web, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=GouGUeB3fYs. How to cite African-American History Since 1877, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Human Resource Management Marriott Hotel

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Managementfor Marriott Hotel. Answer: Introduction Human resource management plays a vital role in the management of human as well as other resource in the company the hospitality company that will be discussed in this report is Marriott which is one of the leading brand in hotel and tourism industry. In this report the discussion will b on the employment life cycle of Marriott hotel. The employement life cycle refers to a cycle which includes various types of stages of the recruitment and selection. The first stage involves the recruitment stage in which the process of inviting the candidates to appear for the process of selection is invited from various source (Huselid, Becker, 2011). The employement cycle plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the business. In order to succeed for a longer period of time, the HR team of Mariott makes effective and efficient strategies so that their cycle of employement works better. The purpose of this report is to define the employment cycle of Marriott hotels that includes various types of stages related to the same (Jiang, Lepak, Hu, Baer, 2012) Like recruitment, selection, orientation of the employees, on boarding on the employees, services related to the employees, talent development, retention of the employees, performance management, transition, etc. There are Various Stages of Employment Life Cycle Recruitment Selection The process of recruitment comprises of finding the appropriate sources where the possible applicants can be invited for the job. The managers of mariott are responsible and are in charge of hiring the right candidate at a right time and at the right place. This work can be done through job boards, recruitment programs, social networking sites, campus placement, job portals that can be linked with the job fairs, colleges, and other places where candidates can be found (Jackson, Renwick, Jabbour, Camen, 2011). It is done by the mariott so that an interest can be created in the available jobs in Marriott. They also provide them effective training programs so train them and to enhance their skills so that they can work in a better way in future. The company uses traditional as well as new and innovative methods of recruitment, selection, training, orientation, etc. so that the employees remain in touch with the upcoming trend and technology. The report has discussed the points related to the employement life cycle like, selection, orientation of the employees, on boarding on the employees, services related to the employees, talent development, retention of the employees, performance management, transition, etc. The process of selection comprises of selecting right candidate from the pool of applicants applied for the job. There is a need to understand the planning of human resource management. The principles of recruitment and selection of Marriott hotel are very popular among the other hotels and tourism industry as they have adopted the most updated and innovative way to recruit and select the people (Kehoe, Wright, 2013). According to them, the employees that are recruited newly should be hired through friendly way and their training must be technical in nature. The new and updates principle of recruitment and selection in Marriott are related to the new employees which are required to be hired in a friendly way (Albrech, 2011). There is a need to train them properly. The compensation provided to them must be correct and bring balance in the life of the employees. The Marriott is trying to take care of the bottom line so that they can concentrate on each and every requirement of the employees (Scullion, Collings, 2011). Orientation on boarding The on boarding and orientation services of mariott hotel are very good and of high quality. They provide specific, technical training and support to each and every individual according to their field and interest. They try to focus on the key Ares where the employees actually require training. the areas where orientation requires is food and beverages, cooking, finance, accounting, operations, culinary, revenue management, rooms operations, engineering, human resources, event planning, sales and marketing, etc. (Ployhart, Moliterno, 2011). the orientation also requires in the areas where the emersion of the operations and functions of hotel take place. The orientation services are also provided to bring innovation and creativity, understanding of the other Marriott, to understand the portfolio of the Marriott hotel and to global brands, etc. the major part of the orientation take place for the communication skills and interaction as it is one of key quality that must be present (Si rmon, Hitt, Ireland, Gilbert, 2011). After the training and orientation of the employees, they are transferred and posted to the place where they can best suit their position. Training and orientation programs provide Employee Services Marriott provides various types of benefits and employees services to its employees to keep them happy and satisfied. They always try to provide them an environment which is supportive where they can grow and develop their own skills an also build a long term career in the same company. They say that everything they do is related to the career of the employees (Alfes, Shantz, Truss, Soane, 2013). They promote the culture of help and support, learning team work, and collegial atmosphere which is a part of the job and every day. Mariott offers various benefits to its employees like Pay and Benefits The pay benefits related to the offers, compensation, and other benefits provide by the hotel to its employees. The benefits are related to the role, job, location, etc. They provide competitive packages which provide benefits to the employees that may vary from country to country. Hotel room discounts to the employees and their relatives Discounts of the food and beverages Retail discounts in the gift shops, other shops etc. Advancement discounts and competitive pay These are the benefits provided by the Marriott to their employees Recognition It is related to the opportunity of promotion, transfers, of the employees to the higher post, Increment in the position on which the employees is working, etc. Growth Opportunities The growth opportunities are related to the opportunities to develop and grow the skills and talent within the company by providing them training and development programs, orientation of the new employees, etc. (Mendenhall, 2012). Global Growth The global growth of employees of Marriott is related to the overall growth of the employees in the international markets of the company. They can be promoted to the other nations hotels and other locations. it is also related when there is any new hotel open in a new country the employees are transferred to further grow and develop their talent and skills (Mowday, Porter, Steers, 2013). Talent Development Retention It is directly related to the growth and development of the employees in a way that they remain in the organization for a longer period of time with a satisfaction level in their minds. The company Marriott believes that if the employees are happy while working, they will not switch to other company easily (Markus, Kitayama, 2010). In order to achieve this, the company has various policies to retain the talent in the company. Performance Management The performance management is related to the managers and employees who plan to work together and monitor, review, etc. the performance of the employees working with the Marriott. The motive of doing so is to bring improvement by identifying the loopholes in the performances of the employees and productivity of the company (Littlejohn, Foss, 2010). These are records, data and information related to the employees performance the Hr managers and top level management to bring effectiveness in the performance and to give them proper amount of training. It not only helps the employees but also the company as better the performance of the employees good will be the productivity of the company. It is a vice-versa process as it influences each and every member (Wong, 2013). Transition The process of transition is related to the changes and innovation in the employees. It is very relevant for Marriott to bring changes in the employees and in their working environment. Transition helps the company to check the caliber and potential of the employees within the company. The employees try to manage themselves in the critical and new situation so that they can manage to be more productive n the future; it directly or indirectly helps in making the performance of the employees better. The process of transition will take a particular item to change one situation from another (Richey, Klein, 2014). It can achieve by comparing the both of the station together so that the firm can easily adapt the change stake place in the internal and external environment of the company. Marriott hotel and industry is very adaptive as they easily adapt the changes and bring innovation accordingly. Changes are always good for the up gradation and development of the company. They are related to the upliftment that will affect the brand position and brand recognition. The process of transition take place with a particular process and then the new policies and strategies can be applied to the organization. The first step of transition is to identify the key areas where the process of transition is required to be applied (Shuck, Wollard, 2010). Afterwards, the plan can be made and policies can be framed. The third step is to apply and implement the theories to the organization. The last step is to analyze the control the changes. Conclusion At last, a conclusion on the present study is that human resource management and employment life cycle of Marriott hotel is effective as compared to any other hotel and tourism industry of the entire world. The company has tried to establish them in the top brands of the company by proper management of the employees at the workplace; it plays a vital role as the employees are the only source from which the work requires to be done. The company Marriott hotels has adopted very updates and effective techniques for the recruitment and selection of their employees. They also provide them effective training programs so train them and to enhance their skills so that they can work in a better way in future. The company uses traditional as well as new and innovative methods of recruitment, selection, training, orientation, etc. so that the employees remain in touch with the upcoming trend and technology. The report has discussed the points related to the employement life cycle like, selection, orientation of the employees, on boarding on the employees, services related to the employees, talent development, retention of the employees, performance management, transition, etc. References Albrech, S. L. (2011). Handbook of employee engagement: Perspectives, issues, research and practice.Human Resource Management International Digest,19(7). Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C., Soane, E. C. (2013). The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), 330-351. Huselid, M. A., Becker, B. E. (2011). Bridging micro and macro domains: Workforce differentiation and strategic human resource management. Jackson, S. E., Renwick, D. W., Jabbour, C. J., Muller-Camen, M. (2011). State-of-the-art and future directions for green human resource management: Introduction to the special issue.German Journal of Human Resource Management,25(2), 99-116. Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., Baer, J. C. (2012). How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms.Academy of management Journal,55(6), 1264-1294. Kehoe, R. R., Wright, P. M. (2013). The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), 366-391. Littlejohn, S. W., Foss, K. A. (2010).Theories of human communication. Waveland press. Markus, H. R., Kitayama, S. (2010). Cultures and selves: A cycle of mutual constitution.Perspectives on Psychological Science,5(4), 420-430. Mendenhall, M. E. (2012).Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Routledge. Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M. (2013).Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Ployhart, R. E., Moliterno, T. P. (2011). Emergence of the human capital resource: A multilevel model.Academy of Management Review,36(1), 127-150. Richey, R. C., Klein, J. D. (2014).Design and development research: Methods, strategies, and issues. Routledge. Scullion, H., Collings, D. (2011).Global talent management. Routledge. Shuck, B., Wollard, K. (2010). Employee engagement and HRD: A seminal review of the foundations.Human Resource Development Review,9(1), 89-110. Sirmon, D. G., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Gilbert, B. A. (2011). Resource orchestration to create competitive advantage: Breadth, depth, and life cycle effects.Journal of management,37(5), 1390-1412. Wong, P. T. (Ed.). (2013).The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications. Routledge.